The United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) and Women Have Wings are happy to announce the winners of the CSO Peer Learning Awards 2022. This initiative was launched with two objectives: (1) to promote the work and recognize the efforts of 10 women leaders engaged in peace, security, and humanitarian response each one representing one civil society organization (CSO); and (2) to foster peer learning and networking between 10 CSOs engaged in peace, security, and humanitarian response (five tandems of two CSOs).
The five CSO tandems will develop joint activities to enhance their partnership and the capacity development of their staff members, through field visits, trainings, and advocacy actions, online and on the ground in DRC, Haiti, Mali, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The women leaders and their organizations have been selected following a competitive Call for Proposals’ process among WPHF civil society partners as part of WPHF Global Learning Hub (L-HUB).
Mouvement pour l'Intégration et l'Émancipation des Femmes Handicapées (MIEFH)
Meet Régine
Alliance en Faveur des Droits de la Personne et de la Démocratie au Mali (AFDPM)
Meet Mafouné
Mouvement des Femmes pour le Développement de la Grand-Anse (MOFEDGA)
Meet Marie Roselore