The Rapid Response Window on Women's Participation in Peace Processes and Peace Agreements

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Apply now using the below templates of the Rapid Response Window (RRW). Submit your application to

Apply for Direct Support Stream Apply for Short-Term Grants Stream

Applications are open all year round with no deadline.

The Rapid Response Window of the United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) was launched in 2020 to address the urgent funding gaps and dismantle barriers that women often face in meaningfully engaging and influencing peace processes and the implementation of peace agreements worldwide.

The WPHF RRW provides flexible funding and support for strategic, short-term, and urgent initiatives led by women peacebuilders and local women’s rights organizations to increase women’s meaningful influence on national, regional and international peace processes at a range of different stages.

This funding mechanism is open to women’s rights organizations and women peacebuilders aiming to influence ongoing, upcoming or stalled peace processes – including track 1 and track 2 peace processes or peace agreements – in all ODA eligible countries. See definitions of peace process, track 1 and track 2, and implementation of a peace agreement.

The WPHF RRW has two available streams:

  • Direct Support: Partner/s receive/s services, not a grant, with a budget of up to USD 30,000 and a maximum duration of six months. For more information on Direct Support, click on the button below.
  • Short-Term Grants: Partner/s receive/s a grant of up to USD 100,000 through an INGO partner with a maximum duration of six months.  For more information on Short-Term Grants, click on the button below.

Eligibility Criteria

The RRW is a targeted global funding window of WPHF that finances initiatives increasing women’s meaningful influence and participation in track I and track II peace processes or the implementation/monitoring of a specific peace agreement in all ODA eligible countries. Find more details in the RRW Call for Applications below:

doc iconRRW Call for ApplicationsEnglish

Who can apply?

For Short-Term Grants, applications are accepted from:

  • Local or national women’s rights organizations (WROs) with a legal registration
  • Local or national youth-focused or young women-led organizations with a legal registration
  • Local WROs that are registered outside of the country of intervention due to security risks can also apply
  • Applications from consortiums & coalitions of WROs are also accepted, noting that the lead organization must respond to the above criteria

For Direct Support, applications are accepted from:

  • Local or national WROs or coalitions. Legal registration is not required.
  • An individual woman peacebuilder or an informal delegation of women peacebuilders
  • Informal groups of women or women’s movements
  • Applications from consortiums & coalitions of WROs are also accepted

Who cannot apply?

  • International non-governmental organizations
  • Government agencies, institutions, political parties or local authorities
  • UN agencies or UN Country Teams
  • Private sector entities, universities, think tanks or education or research institutions
Meet some of our RRW partners Frequently Asked Questions RRW Core Principles

Apply for support today and email your application to WPHF-RRW@UNWOMEN.ORG:

doc iconRRW Call for ApplicationsEnglish doc iconDirect Support Application FormEnglish doc iconShort-Term Grants Concept Note Application FormEnglish