WPHF is supporting women in Mali to contribute significantly to the restoration of peace by financing local interventions that enhance women’s participation in peacebuilding and economic recovery.
Our Work
In Mali, WPHF is financing women’s meaningful participation in peacebuilding, recovery planning and the sustainable socio-economic reintegration of women affected by conflict.
We aim to improve women’s access to factors of production and strengthen their technical and organizational capacities in the northern and central regions of the country, areas that are particularly affected by conflict and continued insecurity.
The capacity building of key national and local stakeholders involved in the peace process will also be used by CSOs to influence the integration of women’s priorities into the implementation of the peace agreement.
Our Partners
WPHF is actively supporting 26 women-led and women’s rights civil-society organizations in Mali:
- Association d’Appui au Développement Local au Sahel (ADEL SAHEL) on a project to strengthen its operational and organizational capacity for a better response in a humanitarian context marked by the vulnerability of women and girls. The project aims to build ADEL SAHELs financial capacity, as well as the staff’s capacity in women’s rights, finance and management, and purchasing office equipment.
- Association pour la Promotion de la Femme et de l’Enfant (ASSOPROFEN) on a project to improve the capacity of the organization and its eight partner women’s community-based organizations (CBOs) to conduct gender-sensitive early warning and conflict interventions. This includes purchasing office equipment, training staff and volunteers, and recruiting a consultant for the development and implementation of a gender-sensitive conflict early warning and response system for the promotion of gender equality and conflict prevention.
- Initiatives pour le Développement et la Solidarité (IDS) on a project to improve the operational capacity of the organization by i) training staff on resource mobilization and women’s rights; ii) improving their working conditions through the purchase of equipment and salary payments; and iii) training staff on financial management, teleworking and remote monitoring tools, and project design and implementation.
- Réseau des Femmes Opératrices Économiques de Ségou (RFOE SEGOU) on a project to improve the role of the organization as a key economic and cohesion actor for women. Key activities and deliverables include the organization of general assemblies for members, the payment of staff salaries, training in UNSCR 1325, GBV and protection, and leadership; capacity-building in teleworking, and the purchase and maintenance of income-generating equipment.
- Association d’Appui au Développement Local au Sahel (ADEL SAHEL) on a project to reduce the incidence of GBV by changing collective attitudes and behaviours in targeted communities. This will be done through the establishment of a community committee for awareness raising on gender equality and GBV prevention, alert, referral and protection mechanisms. The project will also empower and increase the resilience of GBV survivors through holistic care — providing integrated, multisectoral, rights-based, and gender-sensitive support.
- Aide au Développement Durable (ADD) — together with Association Vision des Femmes du Sahel (AVFS) and Association de Défense des Droits des Femmes Nomades (ADEFEN) — on a project to strengthen the engagement of women, men and youth in the prevention and protection of SGBV survivors in targeted communes through trainings on SGBV prevention and referral pathways, public debates and dialogues, and the establishment of a community-based identification and referral system for SGBV survivors.
- SIGINYOGONJE on a project to ensure the rights of displaced women, girls, and host communities in relation to GBV and inequalities are protected. This includes promoting the legal knowledge and literacy of IDPs and host communities, raising awareness of violence against women and girls, increasing the meaningful participation of women and girls in decision-making to influence gender equality, and providing households with millets and kits for protection against COVID-19.
- ADE Sahel Mopti on a project targeting both displaced and local women and girls in Mopti-Sévaré and aiming to strengthen local women’s associations for enhacned women’s participation in decision-making to consolidate peace and women’s economic empowerment through trainings and financial support for income-generating activities.
- ADEL-Sahel on a project to enhance women’s socio-economic access and participation, in particular vulnerable women, to contribute to consolidating peace and addressing gender stereotypes to increase women’s participation in decision-making processes in 2 communities in Mopti.
- Aide au Développement Durable on a project for women’s economic empowerment and participation in building peace in six post-conflict regions of Kidal. The project will support 30 women’s associations and groups through trainings, awareness-building and sensitization as well as support for income generating activities.
- AMADE PELCODE on a project to improve women’s socio-economic situation in post-conflict areas in Tombouctou region. The project includes support to income-generating activities and trainings, as well as dialogues and linking of women sedentary and nomadic organizations for better social cohesion.
- ASECOM on a project for women’s economic empowerment in fragile and crisis areas in Niono through trianings and support for rice nurseries and market garden activities. It also includes promoting social cohesion within communities to reduce tensions and enhance relationships between civil society and government.
- Association Malienne pour la Survie du Sahel on a project for women’s economic empowerment in fragile communities in the region of Tombouctou, in partnership with 4 prevention committees, 83 village watch committees and 83 women’s associations/groups.
- Association “Boulo Momba” GPD on a project for women’s economic empowerment and community dialogues including with community leaders for better social cohesion and peace.
- Benkadi Aso on a project to enable women to benefit from income-generating activities and build the capacity of women and youth on conflict management and support their roles in promoting peace in the region of Ségou.
- Bire Ire on a project promoting women’s political leadership, economic empowerment and participation in inter-community decision making and dialogue for peacebuilding and social cohesion, in 10 neighborhoods of Bandiagara.
- CARD on a project to enhance women’s livelihood in Konna, through psycho-social support for women and girl victims of conflict, economic support in non-agricultural employment activities and reinforcement of women’s groups’ organizational capacities.
- Case de la Paix on a project to increase the economic revenue of members of this women’s association through cattle farming and contribute to stabilization and peace in Ménaka.
- CERDEPE on a project to reinforce the economic empowerment of 200 women who are part of 8 women’s groups in Tominian, in order to enhance their knowledge, skills and access to financing, as well as organizational capacities.
- DDRNAS on a project to support women’s associations in vegetable gardening in communities near Gao. It aims to build the capacity of 26 women’s associations for vegetable gardening and reinforce organizational capacities and skills of over 300 women to increase their revenue.
- DONKO on a project to improve and diversify the economic revenue of 100 women in post-conflict contexts in Ménaka and Andéramboukane to enhance their resilience and contribute to their participation in conflict prevention and management.
- GAIRDS on a project to strenghten women’s economic capacities through trainings and establishment of groups for entrepreneurship and their participation in the peace process as transformative actors of change. The project targets mostly women affected by the conflict, including survivors of sexual violence, to contribute to their reintegration and social cohesion in communities in Gao, Ménaka and Gossi.
- HONEYE associations consortium on a project to improve women’s economic empowerment, in particular of 80 women survivors of GBV, including through sanitation days and rehabilitation of rural tracks in post-conflict areas of Gao.
- Herasun consortium on a project which combines economic empowerment of women and sensitization and trainings on conflict management for 4 women cooperatives in Macina, Niono, San and Tominia.
- Kilabo on a project to empower economically 462 vulnerable women and young women in communities in Bandiagara and Djenne and enhance their knowledge in reconciliation, social cohesion and local governance.
- L’association des Femmes Catholiques de Ségou on a project of advocacy for women’s participation in dialogues and peace implementation, as well as provision of support for women’s economic empowerment through production of vegetables and fruits.
- Mali 2000 on a project which combines the strenghtening of women’s skills and participation in decision making processes for conflict management and peacebuilding in Mopti, as well as building their economic empowerment through trainings and organizational support in fragile areas in Mopti.
- ONG ACODIS and Association APDN-Mali consortium on a project to enhance women’s resilience through economic, political and social empowerment at the local level in Gao, through the establishment of committees for advocacy and sensitization, equipment for economic empowerment and capacity building for women’s organizations.
- ONG Siginyogonjé on a project for economic reintegration of 200 internally-displaced women and young women in the region of Ségou.
- RECH AID on a project to strengthen women’s socio-economic situation and work towards local governance reform following the peace agreement, to ensure women’s participation in mechanisms and organs for decision making for peace and reconciliation in communities in the region of Tombouctou.
- RFOE on a project to support women’s economic empowerment in post-conflict and fragile contexts in Ségou.
- Tiemela on a project to reinforce women’s socio-economic capacities, including through trainings on fish farming and enhancing women’s participation in community decision-making processes in Djenné.
- Woiyo Kondeye on a project to build the capacity and knowledge of 21 women groups in North Mali (Gao, Tombouctou, Ménaka) through trainings on economic empowerment, advocacy, participatory governance, political engagement, peace processes and conflict resolution.
Since 2012, Mali has been in a state of profound political and security crisis that initially erupted following the insurgence of an armed rebellion in the north, combined with a military coup, and the emergence of armed jihadist groups. After failed efforts to negotiate a peaceful settlement between the government and various armed groups, the security situation in Mali continues to unravel. Despite the signing of the country’s peace accord in May 2015, it has proven difficult to establish effective mechanisms for the agreement’s implementation.
The situation for women and girls in Mali is characterized by persistent levels of violence, including SGBV and harmful practices, as well as consistent under-representation of women in decision-making, peacebuilding processes, reconstruction and recovery efforts.
Our Vision
The envisaged impact of WPHF’s investment in Mali is to make effective the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda and directly contribute to the restoration of peace in the country through tangible results in women’s enhanced participation in recovery efforts and peacebuilding processes.