RRW: What is a peace process?

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In the framework of the WPHF RRW, supported projects will be focusing on a peace process understood as a formal political process to resolve violent conflict through peaceful means — usually a mixture of politics, diplomacy, negotiations, advocacy, mediation and dialogue in different areas.

The WPHF RRW, supports women’s participation in Track 1 and Track 2 negotiations, and in the implementation of peace agreements:

  • Track 1: High-level decision-making process involving country leadership or national governments often led by the UN, or multilateral regional organizations through a committee or a special envoy. For example: Ceasefire, National Dialogues, Peace Treaty negotiations, Political Transition, Constitution Writing, and International Mediation.
  • Track 2: Usually convened in parallel to or to work towards a Track 1 process. Track 2 processes influence or advise a Track 1 process, and/or raise awareness to strengthen community buy-in. They may take the form of a conference, workshop or forum involving women peacebuilders, civil society, community leaders, and other experts and mediators.
  • Peace Agreement Implementation: An agreement has been reached and signed at the international, national and subnational level (e.g. a political settlement, a ceasefire, etc.). Women peacebuilders and civil society work to hold decision-makers accountable on the commitments made through, for example, monitoring mechanisms or committees, parliamentary processes, Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, reporting and shadow reporting. 

Community-focused peacebuilding activities are not eligible for the RRW.