RRW INGO Partners

The Rapid Response Window (RRW) of the United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) aims to enhance the efforts of women peacebuilders and women’s rights organizations (WROs) to identify their strategies and lead their initiatives. The RRW is partnering with a network of international non-governmental organization (INGOs) to facilitate direct support arrangements, the provision of short-term grants, and strategic and technical support in a timely and flexible manner, especially in challenging contexts where the space for local WROs is increasingly shrinking.

Please note that it is not necessary to have a partnership with or be supported by one of the RRW INGO partners to apply for this funding mechanism.

INGO partners will contribute to swiftly identify the needs and type of support to be provided to local and national civil society organizations. Under the leadership and full ownership of the local women’s organization, INGO partners will contribute to the following:

  • Management of grants for Short-Term Grants
  • Management of logistical arrangements for Direct Support
  • Provision of technical and strategic support to WROs
  • Provision of capacity-building, guidance, and support on knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting

The WPHF RRW is partnering with the following INGOs: