RRW Core Principles

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The Rapid Response Window (RRW) of the United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) is guided by the core principles stated by the WPHF Strategic Plan and entrenched in its approach to support local women organizations building sustainable peace in fragile settings worldwide. All applicants and partners are encouraged to include those principles in their initiatives to the extent possible.

  • Do-Not-Harm Approach: The safety and security of women and other groups engaged in the project is our highest priority, and the RRW takes note of the increased security risks women peacebuilders encounter in the contexts they operate. Therefore, it is necessary to include a clear mitigation strategy and a safety protocol for all initiatives.
  • Diversity and inclusivity: Diverse and inclusive approaches are encouraged when selecting the target beneficiaries and the groups of key stakeholders to be engaged. The RRW believes that a sustainable peace can only be reached by including different voices and needs. The inclusion of youth, refugee and forcibly displaced women, women living with disabilities, indigenous and nomadic groups, and other minority groups is
  • Flexibility: The RRW is a flexible funding mechanism that aims to respond to the evolving needs of women peacebuilders and the changing contexts where they operate with utmost agility.
  • Trust and mutual accountability: The RRW fosters collaborative and transparent relationships with its partners based on mutual respect, trust, and a shared commitment. We believe that local women’s rights organizations are best positioned to understand the strategies and actions that broker sustainable peace in their societies. We trust our partners as the owners of their initiatives and experts in their contexts.