Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Is my country eligible to apply to the Rapid Response Window (RRW) of the United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF)?

The RRW is open to all ODA eligible countries with a track 1/track 2 peace process or the implementation of a peace agreement taking place. The timeliness of the initiative, based on the identified entry points to influence the peace process or agreement, should be clearly elaborated.

When is the deadline to apply?

The RRW has no deadline for applications. This mechanism is demand driven and open all year round.

Can we apply as a think tank, university, or international organization?

NO. Universities, think tanks, and international organizations are not eligible to apply to the RRW. However, they can apply through a consortium with a women’s rights organization as lead entity that respects the eligibility criteria. For more information on the eligibility criteria, click here.

Do we need to be legally registered as an organization to apply?

  • YES for Short-Term Grants. The lead applicant organization must have legal status and submit proof of legal registration with the application package. Exceptionally, a registration in another country can be accepted if the registration in the country of intervention is complicated due to conflict. Please note that articles of incorporation are not proof of legal status and that organizations that have an international scope of interventions are not eligible.
  • NO for Direct Support or for co-implementing or consortium partners, if relevant. Co-implementing partners are not required to provide legal registration. Please note that women from different ODA countries are eligible to apply.

Can I apply to both streams?

YES.  A local organization can apply for both streams – Direct Support and Short-Term Grants – at the same time or consecutively. If you are applying for both, you must submit a separate application form using the appropriate templates. Each application will be evaluated separately and therefore the approval of one does not guarantee the approval of the other application. Please note that, to be eligible for both streams, you will need a legal registration.

How many times can I apply?

RRW partners with a short-term grant can only receive a grant once as a lead organization, but they may be a member of a consortium for another project, provided they are not the lead. It is not possible to receive a short-term grant twice as a lead organization. For the Direct Support stream, a partner can benefit up to two times within a 12-month period. Please note that each application will be reviewed independently.

Can we submit a proposal focused on capacity-building, awareness raising, or the implementation of a UN Security Council Resolution (UNSC) 1325 National Action Plan (NAP)?

NO, the implementation of NAP activities and projects that are only focused on local and community-based activities are not eligible for the RRW. However, an initiative can include one or two components that address capacity-building, awareness raising, or NAP-related activities as long as there are other components in the initiative that focus on women’s inclusion in track I or track II peace processes or implementation of a specific peace agreement.

Can we have an extension for a project?

Exceptionally, projects funded through a short-term grant that show high impact or catalytic results and identify an opportunity to capitalize on those results can request an extension of up to 50,000 USD for three additional months. The approval of these requests will be done on a case-by-case basis.

Cost extensions are not available for recipients of direct support.

A no-cost extension for three months may be granted to Short-Term Grants and Direct Support recipients in the event of unforeseen circumstances that impact the implementation of the project.

May we apply for funding for an ongoing or existing initiative or project?

YES. The RRW accepts proposals for ongoing projects funded by other donors. However, the specific added value of the contribution should be clearly outlined and linked to the objectives of the RRW.

Does my organization have to contribute to the project budget?

Civil society organizations are not required to contribute to the budget.

Do you have any other questions?

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