RRW: Who Can Apply?

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The RRW is a targeted and specific window that focuses only  on women’s increased participation in formal peace processes and the implementation of peace agreements.

Who can apply?

  • Women peacebuilders, informal groups of women, national, regional, local women’s rights organizations, youth focused, or young women led organizations, feminist civil society organizations, coalitions among CSOs whose work seeks to increase women’s participation in a specific Track 1 or Track 2 formal peace process, or specific peace agreement monitoring and implementation mechanisms.
  • Open to all ODA-eligible countries where formal peace processes Track 1 or Track 2, or the implementation of peace agreements are taking place.

Who cannot apply?

  • The following are NOT eligible: international non-governmental organizations (those with an international scope); government agencies or institutions; UN agencies or UN Country Teams; private sector entities; universities, think tanks or education or research institutions; political parties or local authorities.
  • The WPHF RRW does NOT support projects for women’s participation in political decision making that are not related to a peace agreement, nor does it finance broader work towards WPS and other peacebuilding objectives.
  • Community-focused peacebuilding activities and non-urgent initiatives are NOT eligible and will be immediately dismissed.

Proposals which do not address Track 1 or 2, or peace agreement implementation will be excluded. You can find further details on the eligibility criteria and the selection process on the Call for Applications.

Email your application to WPHF-RRW@UNWOMEN.ORG.