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Women's Peace & Humanitarian Fund

UN & civil society partnership supporting women working to build peace & respond to crises on the frontlines.

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The Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund is an innovative partnership empowering local women to be a force for crisis response and lasting peace.

We galvanize support from across the globe to support the efforts of women working on the frontlines of the world’s most intractable conflicts.

Humanitarian crises and threats to peace are more common than ever before. Studies show that when women are empowered to meaningfully participate in conflict resolution, it undeniably results in more lasting peace.

Women’s inclusion in peace processes makes humanitarian assistance more effective, strengthens the efforts of peacekeepers, prevents radicalization and the spread of extremism, and accelerates the economic recovery of conflict-affected communities.

Donate today to support the women's vital work to prevent conflict, respond to crises, and accelerate peace in their communities.

